Sunday 5 April 2009

Return to planet Blogger...

Greetings my fair weathered friends and fugly featured foes.

No longer be subdued by woe my loyal subjects, for I have returned. After a long absence due to crusades in foreign lands I have finally returned to the kingdom of Blog so Shower me with flowers, send gifts and show your gleeful cheer of my return. Let us together sing the patriotic gests of olde time and be merry again.

For this land of ours has become dry and baron but fear not, I shall banish the liberal demons which have cast a shadow for too long over this realm. With my wondrous youthful looks and wise words of wisdom I shall restore truth and commonsense back into this desert of treason. My dear people I shall liberate you all from the shackles of liberal barbarity and together we will restore this sacred plot back into a haven of glory and a beacon of civilization which the rest of the world will look towards as it did yesteryear. This land of ours shall be worthy of greatness again.

So raise your swords all who will stand by me...

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