Thursday 11 September 2008

Leeds branch meeting .

It's heading towards midnight and I have just arrived back home from an excellent Leeds branch meeting.The venue was packed out to the extent that some people had to stand up.The evening also raised over £300 for the Leeds party funds which will go into the pot for use in next years Euro elections in which there is a very good chance of getting an MEP elected in Leeds.

The guest speakers at tonight's meeting included from Rotherham, Marlene Guest who is probably the hardest working woman in the party and also the very entertaining Walker brothers from Tyne and Wear who both gave fantastic alternating speeches in which they took turns to speak of their experiences in life,their service to this country and the anti-BNP forces which work to suppress and bully those in the BNP.

Brothers Adam and Mark Walker seem to be natural born speakers.In their distinct Tyne accents they talked about anti-British trade unions and their personal experiences in life before losing their teaching jobs simply for being members of the BNP.They continued by speaking of the everyday problems and grim realities imposed upon us by our corrupt politicians and how British people are fleeing certain areas to avoid diversity and enrichment which the government like to call it.The brothers Spoke of their fond memories of how Britain was in1977 during the Queens Silver Jubilee where everybody celebrated and waved flags in the street,contrasting that Britain of 1977 to today's Britain where virtually nobody remembers the Queens Gold jubilee and how due to political correctness (marxism) we can't use certain words such as "blackboard" due to fear of being called a racist and losing our jobs.

The Walker Brothers used a lot of humour which was entertaining and at points filled the room with laughter but the jokes were all superceded by words of seriousness and poignancy which reminded us of the struggle we face and how we in the BNP are fighting for our country as our ancestors did.This is our time to make history.

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