Saturday 20 September 2008

Keith Brown event in Stoke

Just got back to Leeds after spending the day at the Keith Brown event in Stoke.It was a rally which in the morning saw hundreds of BNP supporters/activists delivering leaflets exposing the hideous murder of Keith Brown by his muslim neighbour Habib Khan.The leaflet also exposes the absurd sentence of manslaughter which Habib Khan recieved for stabbing a man to death.Habib Khan could be out of prison within 2 years.This light sentence for such a barbaric cowardly murder was of course politically driven because of Keith Browns affiliations with the BNP and the fact that Khan is a muslim.Had the roles been reversed and a white man had murdered an Asian person then we all know that the sentence would have been much harsher and the media would be up in arms about it.We want justice for Keith Brown and all the other victims of crime,regardless of colour or creed.

In the afternoon up to 500 BNP members and supporters gathered at a meeting point where we flew our flags to the applause of passing drivers and to the frowns of Asian taxi drivers.About 7 or 8 scruffy looking lefties gathered in a carpark over the road and were quickly surrounded by the police who did an excellent job policing the event and commended the BNP for our impeccable behaviour.The police seem to know that it is the reds who are out to cause trouble and not BNP members.

The climax of the event was a series of speeches delivered by 2 Stoke councillors,then followed by a one minute silence in honour of Keith Brown which was then preceded by two speeches by Simon Darby and Nick Griffin.


A fantastic response from passing drivers:

Wednesday 17 September 2008

UAF Lies

We had a team of 11 out on Sunday mopping up the remaining parts of Farnley.While ascending up one particular street we happened to spot two rather nervous looking UAF persons scurrying along a cross street while trying to hide their material in their little satchels.Were they ashamed of what they were trying to hide?.Stereotypical in appearance these two UAF boys both looked like the average student types that you'd expect to be spreading communist literature under the guise of anti-fascism.

For some reason UAF persons are often middle class student types.As I think about this,could it be that of all people in society the young students from middle class backgrounds have the least experience of life and could it be that they have very little experience of the real world outside of their leafy-laned, parent funded bubbles?.Could it be possible that these young idealists,these young revolutionaries have never had to try and pay a mortgage while supporting a family on a low wage? (immigration suppresses wages).I have a suspicion these young Che's have never lived in the roughest parts of town or seen their neighbourhood swamped with immigrants.It's true to say that Liberals are the people least affected by their own policies.

While walking up this street in Farnley it seemed to me that these two UAF lads scurried away in such a urgency that they were eager to avoid us.I wonder if these two UAF boys actually believe their own lies about the big bad nasty BNP?.I would have liked to have a chat with them and counter the lies and smears on their literature but they both skulked off before we got the chance to say hello.

Here is one of the UAF smear leaflets we found on the floor.This leaflet contains nothing but blatant lies and propaganda.

UAF Lie: The BNP denies the holocaust.

Reality:This is a ridiculous lie.The BNP does not deny the holocaust.The UAF use the old
nazi/racist slurr to throw at anybody who talks about immigration.
Many of our members lived and fought through the war.The BNP Durham candidate George Johnson is a D-Day war veteran who actually fought against nazi's on the beaches of Normandy.Below is a picture of Pat Richardson,she is Jewish and also a proud BNP councillor...

Councillor Pat Richardson.

Another UAF Lie: Where they have been elected to council seats racist attacks and other hate crimes have increased.

Reality:Below is a copy of the the crime statistics for Barking and Dagenham.This is the council where the BNP have 12 elected councillors.Since BNP came into office crime and also racist crime has actually fallen.

Saturday 13 September 2008

Nearing completion...

We enjoyed another sunny start to the morning's leafleting here in Wortley,Leeds.With Patriot leaflets in hand we managed to complete another large chunk of the map taking us nearer to completion of the ward.As we progressed through the streets we had at least four positive responses from local residents who were happy to see the BNP leafleting their area for the first time and these people we spoke to were fed up with Labour and the other main parties.One lady was almost in tears as she described her unhappiness at the way us British people are discriminated against and treated like second class citizens in our own country.Having spoke and listened to people from all different areas of Leeds over the past year there seems to be a general Consensus that the country is going down the pan and Labour are no different from any of the other main parties.

The steepness of the hills combined with the heat of the sun soon took it's toll on us and by early afternoon we decided to call it a day but the morning was very positive and we are now much nearer to finishing the ward.Hopefully by the end of Sunday it will be finished completely.This will be the first time ever that Farnley and Wortley has been fully leafleted,we are eager to see the results next week to see what impact we have had on the vote.

I will leave you with some pictures I took this morning from this west Leeds ward including one of Leeds organiser,Peter Hollings.

Friday 12 September 2008

Leafleting for the upcoming By-election

Following the resignation of a Green Party councillor in Leeds there will a By-election in the Farnley & Wortley ward on the 18th of September.This hilly ward in west Leeds has never been leafleted by the BNP yet despite this fact we recieved 793 votes in this May's council election giving us 13.8% of the vote share.BNP activists from around Leeds have been leafleting and canvassing this week in Farnley and Wortley.We have had a very positive response from local residents who all feel the same ill feelings towards the main parties.

Many of the people we met in gardens,at doors or on the street greeted us with words of support and encouragement,some of the people even cheering and waving their BNP leaflet in the air.Anyone who leaflets for the party will know that after having walked for miles and miles in all types of treacherous weather conditions,be it sweating like a mule in the baking sun or soaking wet in a thunderstorm, it is always rewarding and satisfying hearing kind words of gratitude and support from the good folk we meet.

We intend to put a leaflet through every single house in the ward before next Thursday's By-election.Although it is unlikely that we will win the ward this time around we do believe we can lay the foundations for future success.Here is the 4 page colour glossy leaflet which we are putting out across the ward.Our leaflet is far superior in design and quality to the tacky poor quality amateur print outs that the other parties have distributed.The feedback from this leaflet has been extremely positive that within the first week we have had 4 new members join up,including one man who was so relieved to know that there was a party out there standing up for British people that he came out leafleting with us the very next day after recieving a leaflet.

Thursday 11 September 2008

Leeds branch meeting .

It's heading towards midnight and I have just arrived back home from an excellent Leeds branch meeting.The venue was packed out to the extent that some people had to stand up.The evening also raised over £300 for the Leeds party funds which will go into the pot for use in next years Euro elections in which there is a very good chance of getting an MEP elected in Leeds.

The guest speakers at tonight's meeting included from Rotherham, Marlene Guest who is probably the hardest working woman in the party and also the very entertaining Walker brothers from Tyne and Wear who both gave fantastic alternating speeches in which they took turns to speak of their experiences in life,their service to this country and the anti-BNP forces which work to suppress and bully those in the BNP.

Brothers Adam and Mark Walker seem to be natural born speakers.In their distinct Tyne accents they talked about anti-British trade unions and their personal experiences in life before losing their teaching jobs simply for being members of the BNP.They continued by speaking of the everyday problems and grim realities imposed upon us by our corrupt politicians and how British people are fleeing certain areas to avoid diversity and enrichment which the government like to call it.The brothers Spoke of their fond memories of how Britain was in1977 during the Queens Silver Jubilee where everybody celebrated and waved flags in the street,contrasting that Britain of 1977 to today's Britain where virtually nobody remembers the Queens Gold jubilee and how due to political correctness (marxism) we can't use certain words such as "blackboard" due to fear of being called a racist and losing our jobs.

The Walker Brothers used a lot of humour which was entertaining and at points filled the room with laughter but the jokes were all superceded by words of seriousness and poignancy which reminded us of the struggle we face and how we in the BNP are fighting for our country as our ancestors did.This is our time to make history.

Wednesday 3 September 2008

Polling day in Leeds 2008

This is just a selection of clips from polling day I threw together featuring Leeds organiser Peter Hollings as well as other BNP activists who helped out on polling day.